Over the last week or so, I sent out a few Facebook and text messages asking people to support Kenny Slattery and the Heilbron family in the Boston Marathon by wearing red to class on Monday (today). I knew my closest few friends would gear up without blinking an eye, but I had no idea more than thirty of the students on my program would excitedly rush over to BUSC to support Kenny and the Heilbrons.
I walked into our computer lab at about 12:15 and was dumbfounded by the sea of red in front of me. I was in my red shirt, carrying a poster and a heaping bag of candy, but I truly had no idea so many people would match my effort. I am so humbled by the support everyone showed today; a few students even ran back to our dorm to change because they'd forgotten. One anonymous mate even wore his red shirt two days in a row! All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you times a million to those of you who participated. I can say without hesitation that it's for a wonderful cause and an even more wonderful family, so your efforts will not go unappreciated.
That being said, I should touch on the equally as amazing weekend I had. Friday night was Melanie's birthday (woohoo 21!), so we all went to King's Cross to SoHo Lounge and danced the night away. Saturday we went lawn bowling, which is essentially the Australian version of bocce ball, and barbequed at the Coogee Lawn Bowling Club. It's a really bizarre sport, but we all had a ton of fun eating burgers and lounging in the sun all day.
Saturday night, I was so excited to meet up with Jess and Alaina, two wonderful girls from Sydney who are heading to Wohelo as counselors this summer. Neither of them have been to the States before, so they were keen to hear all about camp, the weather, and Maine in general. I can't wait to see them again before we meet at camp! After this, I headed home and got some much needed sleep.
Sunday was BU's Global Day of Service. We went down to where the end of Glebe Pt Road meets the Harbour and did some clean-up! Fortunately, Australia is extremely clean, but we still managed to dig up a good amount of trash. There were about 25 of us, including some alumni who now live in Sydney. After the clean-up, we were rewarded with a free barbeque-yay!-at Glebe Park. While we waited for food, 12 of us played a round of ultimate frisbee, in which, I might add, I scored 3 goals. Yeeeah! The food afterwards was amazing, and then we all collapsed on the grass and hung out for a while.
Sunday night we gathered the leftover meat we had from Lawn Bowling and Day of Service and had meat night. It was just as good as it sounds. There are two grills on the roof that face each other, and they don't work very well so we kept having meat relays to keep it warm. You put one dollar coins in to get it started, but the gas kept turning off so we would have to scoop up all the food and run it to the opposite grill every ten minutes or so. Needless to say, it was entertaining.
Today, as I said, was an awesome day. Actually, let me take that back. This whole weekend has been amazingly fun, and I am now wishing we had more than 10 days left here. The good news, though, is that today our last paper was due, so the only thing we have left to worry about is our final exam next Tuesday. This means I will be sleeping a lot for the next two nights, and then not at all so I can enjoy every last minute in Sydney. I'll be honest and admit I probably won't get another blog post in until I move on to the next phase, so apologies if you're eager to hear stories before I get home.
Thanks for reading, and again, a thousand thanks to my amazing, wonderful, fantastic, awesome friends in Sydney who decked out in red today. You guys are the BEST!!!!!! GO BU!!!!!!!
InspiRED by Joseph Crew:
Global Day of Service Crew:
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